Attention Alert Style

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit cras ultrices lectus sem.

Attention needed

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when


      <div class="lc yd rh ui cj nj fl gl ro cu">
        <div class="cb rc _d lc mg pg rh pj fk">
            viewBox="0 0 19 16"
              d="M1.50493 16H17.5023C18.6204 16 19.3413 14.9018 18.8354 13.9735L10.8367 0.770573C10.2852 -0.256858 8.70677 -0.256858 8.15528 0.770573L0.156617 13.9735C-0.334072 14.8998 0.386764 16 1.50493 16ZM10.7585 12.9298C10.7585 13.6155 10.2223 14.1433 9.45583 14.1433C8.6894 14.1433 8.15311 13.6155 8.15311 12.9298V12.9015C8.15311 12.2159 8.6894 11.688 9.45583 11.688C10.2223 11.688 10.7585 12.2159 10.7585 12.9015V12.9298ZM8.75236 4.01062H10.2548C10.6674 4.01062 10.9127 4.33826 10.8671 4.75288L10.2071 10.1186C10.1615 10.5049 9.88572 10.7455 9.50142 10.7455C9.11929 10.7455 8.84138 10.5028 8.79579 10.1186L8.13574 4.75288C8.09449 4.33826 8.33984 4.01062 8.75236 4.01062Z"
        <div class="yd">
          <h5 class="fb kn tn ao">Attention needed</h5>
          <p class="xn bo">
            Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
            Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the
            1500s, when

Success Alert Style

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit cras ultrices lectus sem.

Message Sent Successfully

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.


        class="lc w-full rh ui dj qj gk fl gl ro cu"
          class="cb rc yd lf lc mg pg rh qj"
            viewBox="0 0 16 12"
              d="M15.2984 0.826822L15.2868 0.811827L15.2741 0.797751C14.9173 0.401867 14.3238 0.400754 13.9657 0.794406L5.91888 9.45376L2.05667 5.2868C1.69856 4.89287 1.10487 4.89389 0.747996 5.28987C0.417335 5.65675 0.417335 6.22337 0.747996 6.59026L0.747959 6.59029L0.752701 6.59541L4.86742 11.0348C5.14445 11.3405 5.52858 11.5 5.89581 11.5C6.29242 11.5 6.65178 11.3355 6.92401 11.035L15.2162 2.11161C15.5833 1.74452 15.576 1.18615 15.2984 0.826822Z"
        <div class="yd">
          <h5 class="fb kn tn zn">
            Message Sent Successfully
          <p class="ln xn co">
            Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Warning Alert Style

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit cras ultrices lectus sem.

Uh oh, something went wrong


      <div class="qh rj sk">
        <p class="lc mg mn un do">
          <span class="km">
            <svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" fill="none" xmlns="">
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                <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.0002 5.54922C7.54253 5.54922 5.5502 7.54155 5.5502 9.99922C5.5502 12.4569 7.54253 14.4492 10.0002 14.4492C12.4579 14.4492 14.4502 12.4569 14.4502 9.99922C14.4502 7.54155 12.4579 5.54922 10.0002 5.54922ZM4.4502 9.99922C4.4502 6.93404 6.93502 4.44922 10.0002 4.44922C13.0654 4.44922 15.5502 6.93404 15.5502 9.99922C15.5502 13.0644 13.0654 15.5492 10.0002 15.5492C6.93502 15.5492 4.4502 13.0644 4.4502 9.99922Z" fill="white"></path>
                <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.0002 7.44922C10.304 7.44922 10.5502 7.69546 10.5502 7.99922V9.99922C10.5502 10.303 10.304 10.5492 10.0002 10.5492C9.69644 10.5492 9.4502 10.303 9.4502 9.99922V7.99922C9.4502 7.69546 9.69644 7.44922 10.0002 7.44922Z" fill="white"></path>
                <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M9.4502 11.9992C9.4502 11.6955 9.69644 11.4492 10.0002 11.4492H10.0052C10.309 11.4492 10.5552 11.6955 10.5552 11.9992C10.5552 12.303 10.309 12.5492 10.0052 12.5492H10.0002C9.69644 12.5492 9.4502 12.303 9.4502 11.9992Z" fill="white"></path>
          Uh oh, something went wrong